Information About The Pillars Of Maritime Law

pillars of maritime law

In this article, we will present detailed information about the 5 main sources of maritime law and its branches: We all know that the pillars of maritime law, as the basis of international shipping and navigation, are legally governed by the Law of the Sea, (SOLAS), (STCW), (MARPOL) and (MLC)

Know the 5 pillars of maritime law

  • Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
  • Safety at Sea (SOLAS)
  • Prevention of Marine Pollution (MARPOL)
  • Maritime Labor Convention (MLC)
  • Seafarer Training and Certification (STCW)

The pillars of this law mentioned above have been in place for many years, although some new agreements may be added in the course of time, but it is not yet limited, And a maritime lawyer follows the pillars with discipline

1. Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

A treaty adopted in 1982 by the United Nations and established to govern the global law of the sea (UNCLOS) is also referred to as the Constitution of the Ocean

2. Safety at Sea (SOLAS)

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, administered by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), was established to protect seafarers and crews at sea and has since been extended to shipbuilding, as well as to safety at sea.

And safety protocols at sea include: personal safety, clear procedures when handling hazardous equipment, regular equipment inspections and maintenance, etc

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